Back Mathematical and Logical Symbols

Mathematical and Logical Symbols

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For all (universal quantifier) ∀ ∀ ∀
There exists (existential quantifier) ∃ ∃ ∃
There does not exist -- ∄ ∄
Empty set (null set; diameter) ∅ ∅ ∅
Complement -- ∁ ∁
Intersection (cap) ∩ ∩ ∩
Union (cup) ∪ ∪ ∪
Multiset (U with arrow) -- ⊌ ⊌
Multiset multiplication (U with dot in center) -- ⊍ ⊍
Multiset union (U with plus in center) -- ⊎ ⊎
Double subset -- ⋐ ⋐
Double superset -- ⋑ ⋑
Double intersection -- ⋒ ⋒
Double union -- ⋓ ⋓
Element of ∈ ∈ ∈
Not an element of ∉ ∉ ∉
Small element of -- ∊ ∊
Contains as member (such that) ∋ ∋ ∋
Does not contain as member -- ∌ ∌
Small contains as member -- ∍ ∍
Set difference \ -- ∖ ∖
Subset of ⊂ ⊂ ⊂
Superset of ⊃ ⊃ ⊃
Not a subset of ⊄ ⊄ ⊄
Not a superset of -- ⊅ ⊅
Subset of or equal to ⊆ ⊆ ⊆
Superset of or equal to ⊇ ⊇ ⊇
Neither a subset of nor equal to -- ⊈ ⊈
Neither a superset of or equal to -- ⊉ ⊉
Subset of with not equal to -- ⊊ ⊊
Subset of with not equal to -- ⊋ ⊋
N-ary product (product sign) ∏ ∏ ∏
N-ary co-product -- &#8720 ∐
N-ary summation ∑ ∑ ∑
Square root (radical sign) √ √ √
Cube root -- ∛ ∛
Fourth root -- ∜ ∜
Logical AND (conjunction) ∧ ∧ ∧
Logical OR (disjunction) ∨ ∨ ∨
XOR -- ⊻ ⊻
NAND -- ⊼ ⊼
NOR -- ⊽ ⊽
N-ary logical AND -- ⋀ ⋀
N-ary logical OR -- ⋁ ⋁
N-ary intersection -- ⋂ ⋂
N-ary union -- ⋃ ⋃
Curly logical OR -- ⋎ ⋎
Curly logical AND -- ⋏ ⋏
Negation ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬
Partial differential ∂ ∂ ࢚
Increment (difference) Δ δ ∆ ∆
Nabla (backward difference) ∇ ∇ ∇
Integral ∫ ∫ ∫
Double integral -- ∬ ∬
Triple integral -- ∭ ∭
Quadruple integral -- ⨌ ⨌
Contour integral -- ∮ ∮
Surface integral -- ∯ ∯
Volume integral -- ∰ ∰
Clockwise integral -- ∱ ∱
Anticlockwise integral -- ⨑ ⨑
Clockwise contour integral -- ∲ ∲
Anticlockwise contour integral -- ∳ ∳
Element of, with long horizontal stroke -- ⋲ ⋲
Element of, with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke -- ⋳ ⋳
Small element of, with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke -- ⋴ ⋴
Element of, with dot above -- ⋵ ⋵
Element of, with overbar -- ⋶ ⋶
Small element of, with overbar -- ⋷ ⋷
Element of, with underbar -- ⋸ ⋸
Element of, with two horizontal strokes -- ⋹ ⋹
Contains, with long horizontal stroke -- ⋺ ⋺
Contains, with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke -- ⋻ ⋻
Small contains, with vertical bar at end of horizontal stroke -- ⋼ ⋼
Contains, with overbar -- ⋽ ⋽
Small contains, with overbar -- ⋾ ⋾
Notation bag membership -- ⋿ ⋿
Diamond operator (possibility) -- ⋄ ⋄
Dot operator -- ⋅ ⋅
Star operator -- ⋆ ⋆
Asterisk operator ∗ ∗ ∗
Therefore (conclusion) ∴ ∴ ∴
Because -- ∵ ∵
Proportional to ∝ ∝ ∝
End of proof -- ∎ ∎
Tilde operator (varies with; similar to) ∼ ∼ ∼
Reversed tilde -- ∽ ∽
Reversed tilde equals -- ⋍ ⋍
Not tilde -- ≁ ≁
Minus tilde -- ≂ ≂
Not equivalent to -- ≭ ≭
Approximately, but not actually equal to -- ≆ ≆
Neither approximately nor actually equal to -- ≇ ≇
Almost equal or equal to -- ≊ ≊
Triple tilde -- ≋ ≋
All equal to -- ≌ ≌
Approximately equal to ≅ ≅ ≅
Almost equal to (asymptotic to) ≈ ≈ ≈
Asymptotically equal to -- ≃ ≃
Not almost equal to -- ≉ ≉
Not asymptotically equal to -- ≄ ≄
Not equal to ≠ ≠ ≠
Identical to (equivalent) ≡ ≡ ≡
Not identical to -- ≢ ≢
Strictly equivalent to -- ≣ ≣
Not identical to -- ≢ ≢
Between -- ≬ ≬
Less than < &lt; &#60; &#x3C;
Greater than >> &gt; &#62; &#x3E;
Less than or equal to &le; &#8804; &#x2264;
Greater than or equal to &ge; &#8805; &#x2265;
Much less than -- &#8810; &#x226A;
Much greater than -- &#8811; &#x226B;
Less than over equal to -- &#8806; &#x2266;
Greater than over equal to -- &#8807; &#x2267;
Less than but not equal to -- &#8808; &#x2268;
Greater than but not equal to -- &#8809; &#x2269;
Not less than -- &#8814; &#x226E;
Not greater than -- &#8815; &#x226F;
Neither less than nor equal to -- &#8816; &#x2270;
Neither greater than nor equal to -- &#8817; &#x2271;
Less than or equivalent to -- &#8818; &#x2272;
Greater than or equivalent to -- &#8819; &#x2273;
Neither less than nor equivalent to -- &#8820; &#x2274;
Neither greater than nor equivalent to -- &#8821; &#x2275;
Less than or greater than -- &#8822; &#x2276;
Greater than or less than -- &#8823; &#x2277;
Neither less than nor greater than -- &#8824; &#x2278;
Neither greater than nor less than -- &#8825; &#x2279;
Circled plus (direct sum) &oplus; &#8853; &#x2295;
Circled times (vector product) &otimes; &#8855; &#x2297;
Circled minus -- &#8854; &#x2296;
Circled division -- &#8856; &#x2298;
Circled dot operator -- &#8857; &#x2299
Circled ring operator -- &#8858; &#x229A
Circled asterisk operator -- &#8859; &#x229B
Circled equals -- &#8860; &#x229C
Circled dash -- &#8861; &#x229D
Squared plus -- &#8862; &#x229E
Squared minus -- &#8863; &#x229F
Squared times -- &#8864; &#x22A0
Up tack (orthogonal to; perpendicular) &perp; &#8869; &#x22A5
Right tack -- &#8866; &#x22A2
Left tack -- &#8867; &#x22A3
Down tack -- &#8868; &#x22A4
Peirce arrow &darr; &#8595; &#x2193;
Scheffer stroke | -- &#124; &#x7C;
Left ceiling &lceil; &#8968; &#x2308;
Right ceiling &rceil; &#8969; &#x2309;
Left floor &lfloor; &#8970; &#x230A;
Right floor &rfloor; &#8971; &#x230B;
Left angle bracket &lang; &#9001; &#x2329;
Right angle bracket &rang; &#9002; &#x232A;
Plus or minus ± &plusmn; &#177; &#xB1;
Minus or plus -- &#8723; &#x2213
Multiplication sign × &times; &#215; &#x00D7;
Plus sign + &plus; &#43; &#x2B;
Minus sign &minus; &#8722; &#x2212;
Division sign ÷ &divide; &#247; &#xF7;
Function &fnof; &#402; &#x192;
Fraction slash / &frasl; &#8260; &#x2044;
Infinity &infin; &#8734; &#x221E;
Prime &prime; &#8242; &#x2032;
Double prime &Prime; &#8243; &#x2033;
Triple prime -- &#8244; &#x2034;
Degree ° &deg; &#176; &#xB0;
Per cent % -- &#37; &#x25;
Per mille &permil; &#8240; &#x2030;
Angle &ang; &#8736; &#x2220;
Right angle -- &#8735 &#x221F;
Measured angle -- &#8737; &#x2221;
Spherical angle -- &#8738; &#x2222;
Divides -- &#8739; &#x2223;
Does not divide -- &#8740; &#x2224;
Parallel to -- &#8741; &#x2225;
Not parallel to -- &#8742; &#x2226;
Right angle with arc -- &#8894; &#x22BE;
Right triangle -- &#8895; &#x22BF;
Dot plus -- &#8724; &#x2214;
Ring operator -- &#8728; &#x2218;
Bullet operator -- &#8729; &#x2219;
Ratio -- &#8758; &#x2236;
Proportion -- &#8759; &#x2237;
Dot minus -- &#8760; &#x2238;
Excess -- &#8761; &#x2239;
Geometric proportion -- &#8762; &#x223A;
Homothetic -- &#8763; &#x223B;
Inverted lazy s -- &#8766; &#x223E;
Sine wave -- &#8767; &#x223F;
Wreath product -- &#8768; &#x2240;
Equivalent to -- &#8781; &#x224D;
Geometrically equivalent to -- &#8782; &#x224E;
Difference between -- &#8783; &#x224F;
Approaches the limit -- &#8784; &#x2250;
Geometrically equal to -- &#8785; &#x2251;
Approximately equal to or the image of -- &#8786; &#x2252;
Image of or approximately equal to -- &#8787; &#x2253;
Colon equals -- &#8788; &#x2254;
Equals colon -- &#8789; &#x2255;
Ring in equal to -- &#8790; &#x2256;
Ring equal to -- &#8791; &#x2257;
Corresponds to -- &#8792; &#x2258;
Estimates -- &#8793; &#x2259;
Equiangular to -- &#8794; &#x225A;
Star equals -- &#8795; &#x225B;
Delta equal to -- &#8796; &#x225C;
Equal to by definition -- &#8797; &#x225D;
Measured by -- &#8798; &#x225E;
Questioned equal to -- &#8799; &#x225F;
Precedes -- &#8826; &#x227A;
Succeeds -- &#8827; &#x227B;
Precedes or equal to -- &#8828; &#x227C;
Succeeds or equal to -- &#8829; &#x227D;
Precedes or equivalent to -- &#8830; &#x227E;
Succeeds or equivalent to -- &#8831; &#x227F;
Does not precede -- &#8832; &#x2280;
Does not succeed -- &#8833; &#x2281;
Square image of -- &#8847; &#x228F;
Square original of -- &#8848; &#x2290;
Square image of or equal to -- &#8849; &#x2291;
Square original of or equal to -- &#8850; &#x2292;
Square cap -- &#8851; &#x2293;
Square cup -- &#8852; &#x2294;
Squared dot operator -- &#8874; &#x22AA;
Assertion -- &#8870; &#x22A6;
Models -- &#8871; &#x22A7;
True -- &#8872; &#x22A8;
Forces -- &#8873; &#x22A9;
Triple vertical bar right turnstile -- &#8874; &#x22AA;
Double vertical bar double right turnstile -- &#8875; &#x22AB;
Does not prove -- &#8876; &#x22AC;
Not true -- &#8877; &#x22AD;
Does not force -- &#8878; &#x22AE;
Negated double vertical bar double right turnstile -- &#8879; &#x22AF;
Precedes under relation -- &#8880; &#x22B0;
Succeeds under relation -- &#8881; &#x22B1;
Normal subgroup of -- &#8882; &#x22B2;
Contains as normal subgroup -- &#8883; &#x22B3;
Normal subgroup of or equal to -- &#8884; &#x22B4;
Contains as normal subgroup or equal to -- &#8885; &#x22B5;
Original of -- &#8886; &#x22B6;
Image of -- &#8887; &#x22B7;
Multimap -- &#8888; &#x22B8;
Hermitian conjugate matrix -- &#8889; &#x22B9;
Intercalate -- &#8890; &#x22BA;
Division times -- &#8903; &#x22C7;
Bowtie -- &#8904; &#x22C8;
Left normal factor semi-direct product -- &#8905; &#x22C9;
Right normal factor semi-direct product -- &#8906; &#x22CA;
Left semi-direct product -- &#8907; &#x22CB;
Right semi-direct product -- &#8908; &#x22CC;
Pitchfork -- &#8916; &#x22D4;
Equal and parallel to -- &#8917; &#x22D5;
Less than with dot -- &#8918; &#x22D6;
Greater than with dot -- &#8919; &#x22D7;
Very much less than -- &#8920; &#x22D8;
Very much greater than -- &#8921; &#x22D9;
Less than, equal to, or greater than -- &#8922; &#x22DA;
Greater than, equal to, or less than -- &#8923; &#x22DB;
Equal to or less than -- &#8924; &#x22DC;
Equal to or greater than -- &#8925; &#x22DD;
Equal to or precedes -- &#8926; &#x22DE;
Equal to or succeeds -- &#8927; &#x22DF;
Does not precede or equal -- &#8928; &#x22E0;
Does not succeed or equal -- &#8929; &#x22E1;
Not square image of or equal to -- &#8930; &#x22E2;
Not square original of or equal to -- &#8931; &#x22E3;
Square image of or not equal to -- &#8932; &#x22E4;
Square original of or not equal to -- &#8933; &#x22E5;
Less than but not equivalent to -- &#8934; &#x22E6;
Greater than but not equivalent to -- &#8935; &#x22E7;
Precedes but not equivalent to -- &#8936; &#x22E8;
Succeeds but not equivalent to -- &#8937; &#x22E9;
Not a normal subgroup of -- &#8938; &#x22EA;
Does not contain as a normal subgroup -- &#8939; &#x22EB;
Not a normal subgroup of or equal to -- &#8940; &#x22EC;
Does not contain as a normal subgroup or equal -- &#8941; &#x22ED;
Vertical ellipsis -- &#8942; &#x22EE;
Midline horizontal ellipsis -- &#8943; &#x22EF;
Up right diagonal ellipsis -- &#8944; &#x22F0;
Down right diagonal ellipsis -- &#8945; &#x22F1;
Leftward arrow &larr; &#8592; &#x2190;
Rightward arrow (conditional) &rarr; &#8594; &#x2192;
Downward arrow (bi-conditional) &darr; &#8595; &#x2193;
Upward arrow &uarr; &#8593; &#x2191;
Bi-directional arrow &harr; &#8596; &#x2194;
Carriage return &crarr; &#8629; &#x21B5;
Leftward double arrow &lArr; &#8656; &#x21D0;
Upward double arrow &uArr; &#8657; &#x21D1;
Rightward double arrow &rArr; &#8658; &#x21D2;
Downward double arrow &dArr; &#8659; &#x21D3;
Bi-directional double arrow &hArr; &#8660; &#x21D4;