Back Control Characters

Control Characters

A control character is a non-printing character in a character set. Control characters perform various printer and display control operations, rather than displaying symbols. The list below contains ASCII control characters.

Description Symbol HTML Decimal Code HTML Hex Code
Null ␀ ␀
Start of header ␁ ␁
Start of text ␂ ␂
End of text ␃ ␃
End of transmission ␄ ␄
Enquiry ␅ ␅
Acknowledgment ␆ ␆
Bell ␇ ␇
Backspace ␈ ␈
Horizontal tab ␉ ␉
Line feed ␊ &#240a;
Vertical tab ␋ ␋
Form feed ␌ ␌
Carriage return ␍ ␍
Shift out ␎ ␎
Shift in ␏ ␏
Data link escape ␐ ␐
Device control 1 ␑ ␑
Device control 2 ␒ ␒
Device control 3 ␓ ␓
Device control 4 ␔ ␔
Negative acknowledgment ␕ ␕
Synchronous idle ␖ ␖
End of transmission block ␗ ␗
Cancel ␘ ␘
End of medium ␙ ␙
Substitute ␚ ␚
Escape ␛ ␛
File separator ␜ ␜
Group separator ␝ ␝
Record separator ␞ ␞
Unit separator ␟ ␟
Space ␠ ␠
Delete ␡ ␡